
prenatal chiropractor columbus indiana webster technique



Many years ago, if a mother was told that her unborn baby was in the wrong position (i.e. breech, transverse, face/ brow) it was assumed that the safest course of action was a C-section.

While there were other options such as “External Cephalic Version” by an obstetrician, there were risks involved that a C-section could avoid. This has resulted in over 30% of births being by C-section, 20% of which are due to malpresentation. As the rate of C-sections has risen, so has the rate of pregnancy-associated deaths.

In the 1970’s, chiropractor, Dr. Larry Webster, found a connection between a sacral subluxation (pelvic misalignment) and fetal malposition. The presence of this subluxation pattern may cause ligament tension which could result in undue uterine tension making it more difficult for the fetus to move into optimal position for birth. He discovered a simple way to determine the presence of, and provide chiropractic care for, this misalignment and resultant ligament tautness or in-utero constraint. The result of the procedure was that many babies were naturally able to assume the normal vertex (head down) position.

Family Chiropractic and Wellness is dedicated to providing you with the absolute best in family wellness care. So take a moment today to discuss with your Family Wellness Chiropractor any concerns you may have regarding your family’s overall health and wellness. Complete our contact us form or give us a call at 812 373 3376.