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What is the Webster Technique? – In-Utero Constraint

By February 17th, 2023No Comments

prenatal chiropractor columbus indiana webster technique


In the 1970’s, chiropractor, Dr. Larry Webster, found a connection between a sacral subluxation (pelvic misalignment) and fetal malposition. The presence of this subluxation pattern may cause ligament tension which could result in undue uterine tension making it more difficult for the fetus to move into optimal position for birth. He discovered a simple way to determine the presence of, and provide chiropractic care for, this misalignment and resultant ligament tautness or in-utero constraint. The result of the procedure was that many babies were naturally able to assume the normal vertex (head down) position.

What is In-Utero Constraint?

In her article “The Webster Technique – A Chiropractic Analysis and Adjustment for Pregnant Women”, Dr. Jeanne Ohm defines intrauterine constraint (or in-utero constraint) as a condition where fetal movement is restricted, resulting in potential adverse effects to its development throughout pregnancy. Furthermore, limited movement and space in the uterus can lead to malpresentation in various forms: breech, transverse, posterior as well as ascynclitic presentations.”

She goes on to discuss the labor difficulties that may result from in-utero constraint including increased pain or dystocia (slow or difficult labor), the need for medical interventions as well as a more traumatic birth experience for both mother and baby.

To truly understand this cause and effect, picture a basketball net hanging from a ring. If the net is twisted the basketball can’t get through. The net must be hanging evenly for the ball to easily pass. The same is true of the mother’s uterus. The sacrum is one of the bones in the pelvic ring, like the ring of the basketball hoop. The uterine ligaments attach to this boney pelvic ring like the strings of the net. If a sacral subluxation has caused an uneven pull in the ligaments attached to the uterus, this may result in the uterus being tense. When this happens, the uterine wall becomes more rigid and the fetus has more difficulty moving. The result of which is called in-utero constraint.

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