
What is the best response?

The best response to a fever below 104.5°F (40°C) for children over the age of 3 years is lots of rest and clear fluids. Since the fever will cause your child to sweat they will lose sodium and water which must be replaced with proper fluids. This does not include Gatorade or other sugary sports drinks.

Based on age and temperature a child should see a healthcare provider right away:

  • If a child younger than 3 months is running any grade of fever
  • If a child between 3 months and 3 years has a temperature above 102.2°F (39°C) and appears ill – it should be noted that even teething may also cause a slight increase in temperature
  • A child of any age that has a temperature at or above 104.5°F (40°C)

Additionally, since dehydration is a potential side effect of fever, watch your child for the following: dry mouth, lack of urine or wet diapers for 6 to 8 hours (or only a small amount of really dark urine), dry skin, lethargy, irritability, fatigue or with an older child, dizziness. These signs of dehydration may be a concern and the child should be seen by a healthcare professional; especially if they are unable to keep down clear fluids.

In children that are under the age of 5 years a fever can also lead to a seizure, known as a febrile seizure. While this can be frightening it will typically have no lasting effects. During a seizure the child should be on their side or with their stomach to the ground and contact your healthcare provider as soon as it stops.

The Chiropractic Factor

Family Wellness Chiropractor like the ones you’ll find at Family Chiropractic and Wellness is the only healthcare professional that recognizes and supports the body’s natural ability to fight off infection. The immune system, like all other bodily systems, is controlled by the central nervous system via the spinal cord, which is housed in the spine. Your Doctor of Chiropractic helps keep the spine aligned allowing messages to travel without interruption from the brain to the rest of the body.

A fever is, quite simply, a natural part of your child’s immune system. When it is functioning at its absolute best, your child’s body will fight off most foreign invaders so swiftly that they will have no outward effect at all. However, when necessary your child’s immune system will raise their temperature to create a hostile environment for that invader. It’s how a properly functioning body functions.

Take a moment today to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your family’s overall health and wellness with us. Complete our contact us form or give us a call at 812 373 3376.