

There are various things to look for when deciding what multivitamin is best for you. This posts discusses what a multivitamin is, who should be taking a multivitamin, best sources of multivitamins and their benefits.

To review from the introduction to this series, there are 5 supplements everyone should be taking to improve their wellness and they are:

  1. Multivitamin
  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  3. Vitamin D3
  4. Magnesium 
  5. Probiotic

What Are Multivitamins?

Multivitamins are supplements that contain a combination of vitamins and minerals, as well as other ingredients, which have a unique role in the body. Multivitamins are one of the most popular supplements on the market today.

According to surveys, more than one-third of the United States population takes a multivitamin with the intention of improving their health by filling in any nutritional gaps that may result in vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies.

There are various formulations based on gender, age, and current state of health. Multivitamins are available in various forms from liquids, pill, powder, and injectables. 

Should I Be Taking a Multivitamin?

Ideally, if you are eating a balanced, healthful diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins from a healthy source, and healthy fats, the need for supplementation should not be necessary.

A healthy diet should provide all the nutrients you need to meet the recommended daily requirements. However, for various reasons diet alone may not sufficiently supply your body with the nutrients it needs.

There are a number reasons for having a nutritional deficiency such as:

Malabsorption conditions: Some health conditions can interfere with our bodies ability to absorb certain nutrients.

  1. Celiac, ulcerative colitis, and cystic fibrosis are just a few diseases that affect absorption.
  2. Certain surgeries, like gastric bypass or a Whipple procedure, remove parts of the digestive tract making it difficult to absorb nutrients.
  3. Illnesses that cause excessive vomiting or diarrhea.
  4. Abuse of alcohol interferes with the bodies ability to absorb nutrients, especially Vitamin C and B-vitamins.


Medications prescribed for high blood pressure, acid reflux, and heartburn are just a few examples of drugs that may deplete nutrient levels.


Prenatal vitamins supply mother and baby with vital nutrients such as folate, calcium, DHA, iron, and vitamin D for proper development and prevention of birth defects associated with nutrient deficiency. The CDC recommends all women of child-bearing age (ages 15 to 45) supplement with folate due to half of all pregnancies in the United States being unplanned.

Older age

The elderly are at higher risk of inadequate nutrient intake and malabsorption due to improper chewing and swallowing of food, taking numerous prescriptions which alter taste of certain foods, and appetite may be suppressed due to depression and loneliness.

Restrictive Diets

There are various reasons one’s diet may be restricted which may lead to inadequate intake of certain micronutrients. For example, someone on a vegetarian or vegan diet may not get enough B-vitamins. Animal foods like eggs and beef are an important source of B-vitamins, so vegans and vegetarians would benefit from a multivitamin to ensure they are meeting this need.

Benefits of Taking A Taking A Multivitamin and Best Sources

As discussed above, the main reasons supplementation with a multivitamin may be recommended are insufficiency in the diet or due to malabsorption. The following is a list of benefits associated with taking a multivitamin:

  1. Corrects nutritional deficiencies.
  2. Supports a healthy pregnancy.
  3. Promotes proper growth and development.
  4. Helps maintain strength and quality of bone.
  5. Improves brain function.
  6. Enhances eye health.
  7. May improve cardiovascular health.

There are various things to look for when deciding what multivitamin is best for you.

Multivitamins come in various formulations designed for specific groups, activity levels, health conditions, and so on. As stated above, a women’s multi will contain folate due to benefits for pregnancy.

However, for a woman older than 45, and past their reproductive years, a different formulation more focused on maintaining bone health may be appropriate for prevention of osteoporosis.

Also, it is important to do research and read your labels to ensure the multivitamin you choose is from a reputable source. So many multivitamins on the market contain fillers and additives that reduce the quality of the supplement in an effort to cut costs and extend shelf life of the supplement.

To avoid this, and get the maximum benefits out of your multivitamin, look for brands that get their ingredients from real, whole food sources, and have gone through the process of fermentation to enhance absorption and bioavailability.

In conclusion, multivitamins are a worthwhile addition to a health and wellness routine, especially if you have difficulty maintaining a balanced diet, or suffer from a health condition that prevents proper utilization of the foods you consume. As always, consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about if a multivitamin is right for you.

Stay tuned for Part 2 in the series on supplements…Omega-3 Fatty Acids!