
sprains and strainsSprains and strains are similar injuries, but they’re not exactly the same. With a sprain, the ligament is injured but when a muscle or tendon is injured, it is classified as a strain. The causes of both these injuries are same. The affected tissues are stretched too far.

Sprains and strains occur mostly due to sports activity. They can occur from everyday accidents or repetitive use of the affected muscles, tendons, or ligaments. Pain and swelling are common symptoms.

Visiting your doctor, even if the symptom is not severe is essential. Pain and swelling need to be diagnosed accurately for speedy recovery. Chiropractic care can help treat sprains, strains, and restore normal function.

At Family Chiropractic and Wellness different techniques are used to cure the sprains and strains. The chiropractors here use physiotherapy modalities such as ice packs, therapeutic ultrasound, exercises, and stretches to ensure normal use of the muscle. Common sprains and strains, including neck whiplash, back, ankles, wrists, and fingers can be cured easily through chiropractic treatment.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We can help you get proper treatment and send you on your way to a speedy recovery.